Do you have a beneficiary for your Health Savings Account?

Just like with your 401(k) Savings Plan account, your Health Savings Account (HSA) requires a named beneficiary to be on file for the benefit to be paid in the event of your death. If you are new to an HSA plan in 2023, be sure to designate your beneficiary(ies) now that your account has been opened for you. If you already have an HSA, take a few minutes to review your current designated beneficiary and make updates as needed.

Here’s how to update your HSA beneficiary:

  • Go to the BenefitsNavigator homepage.
  • Select Reimbursement Accounts in the top menu.
  • In the HSA section, click on Health Savings Account, then scroll down to the Health Savings Account Resource section, and click on View Beneficiaries.
  • Once the page loads, you can add or update your HSA beneficiaries.

Keep your beneficiaries current. You can update your HSA beneficiary details at any time. This can be particularly important if you experience a significant life event, such as a divorce, birth of a child, or death of a loved one. Check your beneficiaries today! It only takes a few minutes to get peace of mind that your wishes will be followed if the unthinkable happens.