Are you up to date on vaccines?

National Immunization Awareness Month (NIAM)* highlights the importance of getting recommended vaccines at all stages of your life. Vaccines have the power to protect you and your family against serious diseases, like whooping cough, measles, and pneumonia. But if you don’t get them, you lose out on the power of this protection.

Since August is NIAM, it’s a great time to talk to your doctor, nurse, or other healthcare provider to ensure that everyone in your family is up to date on their recommended vaccines. Use the CDC’s adult vaccine assessment tool to see which vaccines are recommended for you. If you have a Cigna medical plan, all of your vaccine expenses are reimbursable. For more information, visit

As your children head back to school this fall, make sure they’re up to date on their vaccines, too. Visit the CDC’s Interactive Vaccine Guide for a list of recommended vaccines before they have their next checkup with their doctor. 


National Immunization Awareness Month, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

This is intended to be general health information and not medical advice or services. Always consult with your doctor for appropriate examinations, treatment, testing, and health care recommendations.