September is National Suicide Prevention Month

In support of this month’s mission and mental health overall, this article highlights some warning signs of suicide, where to direct people who are in crisis, and the available BAE Systems mental well-being benefits and resources.

We’re all in this together. Let’s look out for one another, check in with our families, friends, and colleagues, and lend a hand to those who might be struggling.

Let’s talk about it

Over the past two years, we have become increasingly more comfortable talking about mental health and its importance. However, the topic of suicide is still scary for many of us to think about, let alone talk about. But it’s only by learning more about what the warning signs of suicide may look like and sharing available resources, that we can empower ourselves, friends, and colleagues to address this leading cause of death.

A few warning signs of suicide to watch for include:

  • Frequently talking about self-harming behavior and suicide or portraying themselves in a negative light
  • Distancing themselves emotionally from friends and family
  • A loss of interest in activities that once brought them joy, such as playing sports, participating in hobbies, and spending time with friends
  • Unpredictable changes in eating or sleeping habits, often accompanied by neglecting personal hygiene
  • Desperate attempts to regain lost friends, such as succumbing to peer pressure to engage in unhealthy habits, like drug use or excessive drinking
  • A decline in school or work performance
  • Buying a gun or weapon
  • Asking questions associated with death and/or suicide
  • Giving away prized belongings

If you’re aware of someone in crisis, call or text the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline 24/7 at 988.

Mental health benefits and resources for you and your loved ones

The BAE Systems Benefits website’s Mental wellness section: Access free mental well-being programs and resources anytime, anywhere. You do not have to be on the BAE Systems network to view this page.

Confide/EAP: Free resources to help you and members of your household:

  • Understand the risk factors and warning signs
  • Dispel common myths
  • Learn how to start the conversation
  • Connect someone at risk with 24/7 crisis resources

Every BAE Systems employee and members of their household can access Confide/EAP for help with all kinds of issues and stressors by calling 1-800-591-9339. Trained counselors are available 24/7 to help. All calls are confidential, and if you choose to work with a mental health counselor, your first eight sessions are free of charge.

Wellness Webcasts: Available live and on-demand, these webcasts feature topics like mental health awareness and holistic well-being tips. You and members of your household can register for free to attend live broadcasts or access available replays and handouts. All live broadcasts are one hour and take place on Wednesdays from 2 to 3 p.m. ET. Upcoming topics include:

  • Mental Health: You Can Make a Difference (September 7 from 2 to 3 p.m. ET)
  • The Power of Authenticity (September 21 from 2 to 3 p.m. ET)

Behavioral awareness seminars: All employees and their household members can register to attend these seminars at no cost. Click on the links to register for upcoming seminars or to access available replays and handouts.

Managing Stress toolkit: All employees and their household members have free access to this toolkit, which includes everything from audio files to articles and on-demand seminars, to help you assess your stress levels and build skills to effectively manage current and future stress.

ABLE Advocates: ABLE Advocates have been trained to recognize key signs of mental health situations, how to properly engage someone who is struggling, and where to direct employees in need of help. Group members are located in all the sectors and provide psychological safety for employees to seek confidential assistance when needed.