Time to stop ghosting the dentist

When was the last time you went to the dentist? If you haven’t been since 2020 or before the pandemic, it’s time to schedule that appointment before any minor issues become big problems.

Do any of these excuses for putting off dental visits sound like you? If so, read on for some dental straight talk.

1. I don’t have time.

A routine preventive visit to see your dentist takes no more than an hour. But if you postpone your visits, there’s a high likelihood that your appointment could take much longer than an hour—and you may need more appointments to deal with resulting dental problems. Save yourself time and money by getting preventive cleanings twice a year.

2. I’m nervous about visiting the dentist.

If you get nervous just thinking about a dental visit, you’re not alone. The more you delay dental treatment, the higher your risk of developing issues that require more dental visits to address. In fact, seeing your dentist regularly can actually make the entire process – from making an appointment to sailing through it – much easier on many levels. Here are some quick tips to ease your nerves:

  • Talk about it. When you book your appointment, tell the receptionist you’re nervous about dental visits. Remind the dentist and dental staff about your anxiety when you arrive.
  • Distract yourself. Listen to music or an audiobook with headphones on, or squeeze a stress ball.
  • Breathe deeply. Take deep breaths to relax your muscles and mind. 

3. Going to the dentist is too expensive.

As a Delta Dental member, any visits to the dentist for diagnostic and preventive services do not count against the annual maximum. Check to see if your preferred dentist is in the Delta Dental network by visiting DeltaDentalVA.com.

4. My health condition makes it hard for me to get to the dentist.

Researchers continue to find evidence that good oral health positively affects many medical conditions. Delta Dental’s Healthy Smile, Healthy You® program provides additional benefits for those with the following health conditions: pregnancy, diabetes, high-risk cardiac conditions, weakened immune systems, kidney dialysis or failure, and certain cancer treatments. If you have one or more of the above conditions, Healthy Smile, Healthy You allows you to receive an additional cleaning and exam beyond the plan limit.

To get started, download the Healthy Smile, Healthy You registration form located on the Members page at DeltaDentalVA.com.

5. I’m only interested in cosmetic treatments.

If that’s the case, you’ll need to make an appointment with your dentist to discuss your options and to make sure your teeth are ready for whatever treatment you and your dentist agree upon.

Need an implant? If you’re enrolled in the Delta Dental PPO High plan, implants with a network provider are covered at 80% of the cost after deductible, up to the annual plan limit. Teeth-alignment treatments more your concern? The Delta Dental PPO High plan covers 50% of the cost after deductible, up to a $2,000 lifetime limit.

Learn more about your Delta Dental coverage.