New to BAE Systems

Welcome to BAE Systems!

At BAE Systems, the work you do is important—to us and the world. We want to support you to be at your best—physically, emotionally, and financially.

What to know

No matter where you are in life, BAE Systems offers benefits to support you and your family every day. Our benefits cover everything from medical and prescription drugs to saving for retirement and taking time off.

As a new hire, we know you have a lot to think about and do. Use the following information to get familiar with your benefits and take the appropriate action.

  1. Learn about who’s eligible for BAE Systems benefits.
  2. Explore this site to find out more about your benefits, including dental, vision, and life insurance.
  3. Visit Kaiser or HMSA to find network health care providers, medical plan information, and resources as well as view prescription costs.
  4. After you set up your profile in BenefitsNavigator to enroll, use the Medical Plan Evaluator tool to estimate how much you’ll need to cover your eligible expenses during the current year.

If you’re covered by a Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA), your benefits may vary from what’s described here. Please refer to your CBA for details about your benefits, including eligibility.

Special note about medical coverage in Hawaii

The state of Hawaii requires that you have medical coverage, so you will be enrolled automatically in the lowest-cost medical plan at the you-only coverage tier; coverage is effective based on your eligibility date. You may change this default enrollment but must do so within 31 calendar days of your benefits eligibility date.

If you have coverage through another medical plan, request the HC-5 form from the BAE Systems Benefit Center so you can opt out of coverage. Complete all sections of the form, sign and date, and return to the BAE Systems Benefit Center by faxing it to the number provided, or by mailing it to the address indicated on the form’s cover letter. Upon receipt of a properly completed form, you will receive a refund for any premiums already deducted from your pay.

If you fail to submit the HC-5 form, you will remain enrolled in a BAE Systems medical plan until you modify your elections during an Annual Enrollment period or in the event you experience a qualifying life event.

Enroll in health and insurance

  1. Keep an eye out for enrollment information that will be mailed to you. These packets provide important information and deadlines for you to enroll in BAE Systems benefits. However, you may enroll before your packet arrives if you wish.
  2. Enroll yourself and eligible dependents in medical, dental, and vision benefits. You have 31 calendar days from your benefits eligibility date to enroll in BAE Systems benefits. Your information packet will include your benefits eligibility date. You may enroll as soon as your information is available on the administration platform, which should occur several days following your hire date.
  3. Submit the required documents for your dependents. If you enroll dependents in a medical, dental, or vision plan, you must verify their eligibility. Once you finish enrolling, you will receive a link to the BAE Systems Dependent Eligibility Verification Process. You will need to submit specific documents to verify each covered dependent’s eligibility within 60 days of your benefits eligibility date. If you don’t submit the requested information within 60 days, your dependents will be removed from coverage.

    To reinstate coverage, you’ll need to submit a dependent appeal form with the required documentation. Visit BenefitsNavigator to find the form. Coverage will not be reinstated until the first of the month following receipt and acceptance of your dependents’ eligibility information.
  4. Consider your life and AD&D insurance options. You’re automatically enrolled in basic life and basic accidental death and dismemberment (AD&D) insurance at no cost to you. You may also elect additional insurance for yourself and any eligible dependents. Visit The Hartford microsite for a life insurance needs calculator and other resources to help you determine the right amount of life insurance coverage for yourself and your family.
  5. Consider voluntary supplemental insurance. Voluntary benefits can offer an added layer of financial protection for unplanned accidents and illnesses. These supplemental benefits are 100% employee-paid plans and can provide financial assistance to help with miscellaneous expenses. Note that you will still need medical insurance to pay for the majority of your health care.

Get started

  1. Go to BenefitsNavigator.
  2. Click on “Are You a New User?” to set up your profile.
  3. Select the benefits you want to enroll in.

Need help? Call the BAE Systems Benefit Center at 1 888 900 4223, Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Eastern Time.

Enroll in the 401(k) Savings Plan

You may enroll in the 401(k) Savings Plan as soon as your information is available on the administration platform, which should occur several days following your hire date. If your business unit provides automatic enrollment, you will be automatically enrolled in the Plan. You can opt out of the plan prior to any automatic enrollment effective date.

Get started

  1. Go to MyRetirement.
  2. To access your account for the first time, click the "Register" button.
  3. Click the "I do not have a PIN" tab and follow the prompts to enter your personal information and create a username and password.

Need help? Call the BAE Systems Retirement Center at 1 800 622 5533, 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. ET Monday through Friday; 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. ET Saturdays.

If you don’t enroll

If you don’t actively elect coverage or enroll by your deadline, you’ll default to the benefits stated on your enrollment worksheet. Generally, your default coverages will include short-term disability, basic life insurance, basic accidental death and dismemberment (AD&D), and the Employee Assistance Program (EAP). Default coverage may vary in your specific business.

When coverage begins

Once you enroll, your medical, dental, and vision insurance begin the first of the month following your start date or ON your start date if your employment begins on the first of the month. Basic life, accidental death and dismemberment (AD&D), and short-term disability insurance coverage begin on your date of hire. Note: If you’re covered by a collective bargaining agreement, your coverage effective dates may be different.

Health and insurance information

BAE Systems Benefit Center

8 a.m.–8 p.m. Eastern Time, Monday through Friday

+1 718 354 1341 (outside the U.S.)

401(k) Savings Plan

BAE Systems Retirement Center

8 a.m.–10 p.m. Eastern Time, Monday through Friday
9 a.m.–5:30 p.m. Eastern Time, Saturdays